Assembling Your Shed - Zacs Garden

Assembling Your Shed

Assembling a shed can be an adventure or an ordeal…

Heimwerker Held

From what we've seen, it comes down to experience. Having done it, or something like it before makes assembling a shed easy.

So for those who haven't had that experience, we've got the next best thing. We've broken down and simplified the process, including the best videos so you can see sheds being built.

It’s all here. All you need to do is get started.


Assembling Metal, Plastic, Wood and Fabric Sheds

(We have covered shed foundations here)

What You Need Before Assembly

Just so you don't overlook anything, we've put together a list so your shed build will go smoothly.

  1. Nice weather – Nobody really wants to build their shed in the rain or a 100 degree day do they?
  2. Tools – Typically an electric drill, mallet, tape measure, and a ladder. You may need more depending on what type of shed your building.
  3. A flat level foundation – This cannot be understated. It will make your life so much easier putting the shed on a level base, and save you time too.
  4. A helper – At least on standby its helpful to have someone around. They can help discipher the instructions, or give you a hand putting the roof on.
  5. A strong light – Just in case the shed build goes a bit longer than first thought, and you run out of natural light


Thanks for reading. If you have some comments or constructive criticisms then please leave a message below!
