34 Clever Firewood Shed Designs & Ideas

These 34 ideas will keep your firewood dry and organized...
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WET FIREWOOD IS virtually impossible to burn and if you are like me, you have very limited space in the house to let your firewood dry.
Do you have somewhere outside to keep your firewood dry enough to burn?
Is your firewood stack more of a messy pile out in the backyard?
If so these great firewood shed designs can help you create a handy dry place to store your firewood. Not only will the wood burn better, but your yard will look much nicer.
1. Create a Size Based Storage Shed

When creating your firewood shed, consider a design that lets you sort your firewood according to size and shape.
One side can be for smaller pieces of kindling and Firestarter wood, while the other is for the bigger stuff that burns for hours.
Make sure there is plenty of room for both to stay out of the rain and snow.
2. Use Your Vacant Space

By extending the roof of a roadside shed or barn, you can create a covered area that is perfect for storing firewood.
The covered design will keep the rains at bay, while the overall open plan helps the wood to season in time for winter.
Being next to the road makes getting to your firewood nice and easy.
3. Build an Airy Backyard Firewood Shed

Since you probably split your firewood in your backyard, why not build a simple backyard firewood shed from scrap materials such as pallets and old lumber.
This open-air design lets fresh air flow through your firewood while the roof keeps it dry. The best part is using scrap materials helps keep your costs down.
4. Store Your Firewood Right Outside the Door

No one wants to hike across the yard in the snow or rain for firewood. Why not consider building a lean-to style firewood shed right outside the back door to store several days' worth of firewood where it is easy to get to.
You can store a range of sizes from kindling to logs while keeping it dry and ready to burn.
5. The Big House Firewood Shed

When you live in an area where it stays cold and snowy for months, you need somewhere to store a lot of firewood.
What you need is a Big House Firewood shed, this one looks more like an open air barn and has room for tons of firewood to help see you through the worst of winters.
6. The Big Hut Firewood Shed

Similar to the Big House, the Big Hut features open air walls and a thatched roof, making it very affordable.
Despite the open design and thatched roof, this shed can be made big enough to store several cords of wood and keep it all perfectly dry.
7. Keep It Classy

No one ever said you shouldn’t keep your firewood stacked neat and tidy. No matter what type of firewood shed you build, the best way to let your firewood season and be ready to access at any time is to keep it cut in even sized pieces that can be neatly stacked out of the weather.
8. Open Air Sides Make for Great Drying

With this classic firewood shed, you get plenty of open air storage space.
The tin roof will help keep the rain and snow at bay, while the slatted side design makes it easy for fresh air to circulate throughout the firewood you have stored.
Not only will this help keep it dry, but it will also help speed up the seasoning process.
9. Making the Most Out of Open Spaces

If you have a house, shed, or barn with an open space under it, you already have the perfect place to store your firewood.
Keeping a nice stockpile of seasoned and split firewood right where you need it eliminates the need to go out to the main firewood shed at night or when the weather is not so nice.
10. Loft Houses Offer Extra Storage

When your house sits on stilts above the ground, you don't have to go looking for a place to store your firewood. Simply use the massive amount of space hiding in plain sight under your home.
Depending on the size of your home, you should be able to stack several cords safely out of the weather and ready to use.
11. When You Don’t Have a Firewood Shed Ready

Just because you don't currently have a firewood shed or the one you do have is already full, doesn't mean your firewood can't be protected.
Once you have all of the cords neatly stacked, cover the top of the stack with tin roofing, a tarp, or sheets of wood, and then use a few logs to hold it all in place. This will help keep the bulk of your firewood dry and ready to move to the shed or to use.
12. The Fabulous Forest Style Shed

If you have ever wandered the Black Forest in Austria, you have probably seen a forest style firewood shed. This type of shed is more like a pole barn with a peaked roof.
The walls are then created using split firewood, creating a dry space inside that can be used to split and store even more firewood. The outer walls will keep everything inside dry.
13. The Pole Barn Style Firewood Shed

A pole barn with at least three covered walls and a good solid roof makes a great place to store your firewood.
When stacking your firewood, be sure to put the greenest wood at the back and stack moving forward to the oldest wood to ensure you get the most seasoned wood first.
This type of shed may also give you a nice dry place to split your firewood.
14. Keep Your Firewood Chilled Out

When the snow flies, having plenty of split firewood that is ready to burn on hand is vital. It might surprise you to know that freezing your firewood will help speed the seasoning process.
A good firewood shed with a tin roof to keep out the snow and open sides is perfect for those who live where winter temps routinely go below zero and there is plenty of snow.
15. Use a Log House to House Your Logs

Whether you have an old log house on your property or throw one together with a tin roof, it can be the perfect place to store your firewood out of the weather.
Not only will the tin roof keep the rain and snow out, but the log walls should be relatively weatherproof as well.
16. Metal Sheds to Protect Your Firewood

When you have an old metal shed or garage on your property, you have the perfect place to store firewood. Even an open faced metal shed will keep the majority of rain and snow at bay.
Try to keep your firewood stacked back from the opening as much as possible and use tarps to cover the openings when the weather gets really bad.
17. When You Simply Need Firewood Storage

When you need somewhere to store firewood and keep it dry, there is nothing wrong with improvising some form of storage shed.
The only thing you need to worry about is whether or not the structure you plan to use will keep your wood dry and if it has enough for all of the firewood you plan to buy or cut.
18. Use that Old Barn or Garage

When you have a huge pile of firewood to store and an old barn or garage sitting empty, you have a match made in firewood heaven.
You might be surprised at just how much firewood you can stockpile in an old barn or garage, even it has one or more open walls. These openings simply improve airflow and help your firewood to dry faster.
19. Nothing Is Permanent

One thing to consider is that your firewood shed does not have to be a permanent structure. You can throw together a temporary firewood shed using four corner posts and a tin roof.
This structure can help keep your firewood dry and then be easily moved or removed in the spring when you no longer need it.
20. Let's Get Creative

No one ever said you can't be creative when looking for your next firewood shed. You can use just about any structure that has room to store firewood in it.
In this particular image, we see an old phone booth being put to use, but you could use a large packing crate, a stall in your horse barn, or even a greenhouse that only gets used in spring and summer.
21. Plenty of Airflow

It simply can't be said enough, you need plenty of fresh air flowing through and around your woodpile if you want your firewood to season quickly and properly.
A simple pole barn with a sloped tin roof is the perfect place to store your winter heat supply. Stack the firewood neatly and with plenty of space to allow good airflow and you will be delighted with the results.
22. Keep Your Firewood Out of the Snow

When you live in an area where it snows hard and often, you can always add a lean-to structure onto the end of your barn or home that offers room for a couple of cords of wood or more.
These structures are easy and cheap to build, but can keep your firewood safe and dry, even in the harshest winter conditions.
23. Small Sheds Make Big Firewood Storage Areas

You know that old shed hanging out in your backyard that hasn't seen any use since who knows when?
No matter how big or small your shed is, it can be repurposed into becoming your next firewood shed. Remember
the more evenly split your firewood happens to be, the more you will be able to fit in your shed.
24. Firewood Comes in All Sizes

One thing you should have already noticed is that firewood comes in all sizes and shapes. With this in mind, your firewood storage shed or sheds need to be such that they can accommodate large quantities of the different sizes.
You may want more than one shed so that you can split your firewood into different sheds based on size.
25. Traditional Firewood Storage

You can, of course, store your firewood out in the open in stacks designed to allow for good airflow. Lean the stacks against the outside wall of your home in corners to help keep it from moving.
You can use the eaves to help keep the wood dry or cover it with tarps to help. This way your firewood will always be conveniently close at hand.
26. Does Your Barn Have Eaves?

If your barn is like most and has at least one side with an oversized eave, you already have a great place to store firewood.
In fact, chances are good that your parents, grandparents, or at least great grandparents stored many winters worth of firewood out beside the old barn under the eaves out of the weather.
27. Build a Custom Firewood Shed

If all else fails, you can always build your own firewood shed using one of the many available free firewood shed plans. This way you can build a shed that is just the right size to store enough firewood for an entire winter, keeping it dry and ready to burn when you need it.
28. Solar Energy is the Way to Go

While you may be heating your home with wood this winter, this doesn't mean you can't make the most out of your firewood storage shed.
Why not add as many solar panels to the roof as you can fit. Not only does this give you plenty of room for firewood, but the power generated can significantly reduce your monthly utility bill.
29. One Size Fits All

No matter what size or style of firewood shed you decide to build, keep in mind that your firewood needs to be cut into different sizes.
Smaller stuff for kindling and getting the fire going, bigger stuff to burn once there is a good bed of coals going. You might even consider multiple sheds, one for each size of wood.
30. Old Outbuildings

Old disused outbuildings that typically sit cold and empty all-year-round are the perfect place to keep your firewood.
Why let a perfectly good structure sit and go to waste when you can fill it with freshly split firewood you are going to need when the snow flies?
31. When You Have Tons of Firewood

If you have lots of firewood to store, you may need to invest in an extra-large firewood storage shed or use a large section of your barn for storage space.
Just remember it is better to keep your cords stacked relatively low and spread out as this is not only safer for you, but also allows for better airflow and ventilation.
32. Extended Firewood Storage

That old shop in your back yard with the extended roof you have been using to store the lawn tractor under can be used as the perfect place to stack your firewood.
Why not build a nice new garden shed for the mower, and make good use of the space under the extended shed roof instead? You might be surprised at how much firewood you can store here.
33. A Room with A View

When the eaves of your house stick out a couple of feet from the wall, you have an ideal spot to stack a few days' worth of firewood.
If you are lucky enough to have lintel posts, you can use them like bookends to stack your firewood between, helping to keep it from rolling away.
The eave will help keep the weather at bay.
#34 More Firewood Than You Can Burn

If you are stockpiling firewood and have nowhere to stack it out of the weather, why not use more logs to protect the bulk of your firewood.
Stack your firewood in such a way as to create a slope from front to back and then use long logs to form a quasi-roof that will help keep the rain and snow off of it. As you burn the wood, you can cut the logs and split them for future use.
A Few Random Ideas for You
These are just a few random ideas of better ways to store your firewood and keep it out of the weather until you need it. The drier you can keep your firewood all year long the faster it will season and of course the better it will burn. We all know you can't burn wet firewood and once it is soaked through, firewood can take weeks to dry out enough to burn.
If you're building a shed and liked what I have put together for you here, please let me know. You might find inspiration in my practical shed design ideas.
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