What to Plant in June - Zacs Garden

What To Plant In June

A Thorough Pictorial Guide to the Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Hedges, Shrubs and Trees that Thrive When Planted in June


June is hot.. and it's also the perfect month to plant certain fruits, vegetables and flowers...

In the southern hemisphere? This is your version of planting in December

June brings with it plenty of warm sunshine and just the right amount of rain to make your garden grow. Perhaps the hardest part of putting together your garden is knowing what to plant in June.

This is the perfect month in most areas to plant a variety of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and many other plants such as shrubs and bushes.

Today, we are going to look at a number of the most popular varieties of each type of plant that fare well when planted in June.

Start with Vegetables

If you are like me and an avid gardener, the first thing goes on my list of what to plant in June is vegetables. I created my gardens as a way to help feed my family, so veggies are my prime concern.

So, let's start with a few of the best vegetables you can plant in the first month of summer. Bear in mind you may have to adjust your planting times based on your location and planting zone.

June is the perfect month to plant a number of vegetables outdoors, including:


Plant Seeds Thinly and Be Prepared to Thin Them Out as They Grow


If you plant beetroot at the beginning and end of the month, you will be able to harvest in September and October. These veggies can be stored all winter long.

Time to fruit: 60 to 65 days

Time of year: Late Summer – Early Fall


Start Indoors or Outside


You can start broccoli plants indoors so they are ready to put out in June for an earlier harvest or wait until later in the month to start them outside. Some varieties can be harvested in the fall, others are designed to be overwintered for a spring harvest.

Time to fruit: 74 days

Time of year: Fall and into early winter


More than Just Good for Your Eyes


June is the last month to plant carrots if you want to be able to harvest them before winter. You can plant later as long as the temperatures do not leave the ground frozen as carrots are relatively cold resistant.

Time to fruit: 75 days

Time of year: Fall and into early winter


Everyone Loves Fresh Peas


The beginning of June marks the last point at which you can plant peas that take longer to mature. If you wait until the end of the month, you can still plant fast-maturing varieties. Either way, you can expect to harvest by September.

Time to fruit: 60-65 days

Time of year: Early to late summer


A Mainstay of Stews and Some Soups


June is a good time to sow more turnips if you want to be able to harvest them in August or September. If you leave them in the ground much longer than this, the roots will become too big and develop a woody taste.

Time to fruit: 55 days

Time of year: Mid to late summer


Yet Another Main Ingredient of Coups and Stews


Here again, you should have already planted at least some swedes. However, June is a good time to plant a couple more rows. This will ensure you have more than enough to get you through the winter when soups and stews are popular meal makers.

Time to fruit: 90 days

Time of year: Early fall to early winter

Oriental Leaves

A Nice Selection of These Can Add a Lot to Your Favorite Stir Fry

Oriental Greens

June is the perfect time to plant a variety of oriental leaves such as mizuna, mustard greens, mibuna, and pak choi. These are great for salads when you and even better in stir fries as they mature.

Time to fruit: 30 to 60 days

Time of year: All summer long

Pumpkin and Winter Squash

Grow Your Own Pumpkin Pie


Although you can start these plants indoors earlier in the year, you can simply plant the seeds in June and still expect a nice harvest just in time for Thanksgiving.

Time to fruit: 120 days

Time of year: Late fall

Add In a Few Variety of Foods

Fruits are an important part of our diets and come in an incredible array of varieties, colors, tastes, and uses. Depending on how much room you have, you can add several very tasty fruits to your garden and your family's diet. Some have a short plant to harvest time, others take longer to mature.


Yes, Tomatoes are a Fruit, Not a Vegetable


June is the perfect month to plant the last of your indoor raised tomatoes. You may need to keep the small plants covered with cloches or plastic milk bottles with the ends cut out to protect them from night chills. As soon as the nights are warm enough they can be removed to allow the plants plenty of room to grow.

Time to fruit: 65 days, time varies with each different variety

Time of year: Mid to late summer


Cantaloupes, Honeydews, Watermelons


You will need to wait until there is no risk of frost at night to plant melons. You can plant seedlings you have started indoors or purchased from your favorite garden center or simply plant seeds and watch them grow.

Time to fruit: 80 days again varies depending on type of melon and variety

Time of year: Late summer to early fall


Tart and Wonderful on their Own or in Jams, Jellies, and Pies


Raspberries grow on bushes and will produce a small amount the first year. Each year the bushes will provide you with a bigger crop. If you don't want too many berries, you can prune the bushes back in the fall.

Time to fruit: Everbearing – may not see many berries the first year

Time of year: Late June until frost


The Perfect Ingredient and my Favorite Kind of Pie


Blueberry bushes can be planted in June and by the end of summer, you should have a small harvest. By the next year, you should see a much better crop. The bushes will continue to produce berries for several decades.

Time to fruit: Everbearing – may not see many berries the first year

Time of year: Mid July until frost


Great for Veggie Sandwiches, Guacamole, and More


Avocados are considered one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. You can grow your own avocado tree from the pit of one you have purchased from the store. The only bad part of growing your own avocado tree is that it may not produce fruit for 5 years or more.

Time to fruit: 5 years or longer

Time of year: Depends on the variety, some are ready mid-summer others not until late summer or fall


Surprise, Surprise, Cucumbers are Fruits Too


Cucumbers are typically started inside and then transplanted into the garden in June. You may also be able to get away with planting seeds at this time of year for harvesting in August or September.

Time to fruit: 50 days

Time of year: mid to late summer


There are so Many Different Varieties, Too Many to List


From acorn (pictured) to sweet zucchini, butternut and winter squash, there are simply too many varieties to choose from. Your best bet is to plant several varieties in June, some will be ready to harvest in late summer, others will take longer. But all of them can be used in an amazing array of dishes.

Time to fruit: Depends on the day

Time of year: Depends on the variety, some are ready mid-summer others not until late summer or fall

Summer is the Perfect Time for Flowers

There is nothing wrong with using the vast majority of your garden space for fruits and vegetables that will keep your family fed. Many will be harvested and eaten during the summer and fall, others can be stored and used all winter long.

June is also a great month to plant a variety of flowers that can add a touch of color to your gardens. Flowers are also a good way to attract more bees to your garden to pollinate everything you have planted.


More Than Just a Pretty Flower

Calendula - Marigold

Calendula plants produce bright yellow and orange flowers. They are often referred to as “Pot Marigolds”. The flowers have a number of medicinal uses including being made into oils that can be used to heal a variety of skin injuries.

Time to flower: 6-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Popular for Their Cup-Shaped Flowers

Cosmos Plant

Cosmos flowers are grown for their beautiful cup or bowl-shaped flowers, Each plant typically produces between 3 and 5 flowers. The come in orange, yellow, white, pink, and maroon colors. The plants can reach up to six feet high.

Time to flower: 4-6 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Small Flowers, Big Impact

johnny jump up plant

These tiny flowers produce a tricolor bloom of yellows and purples that are hard to resist. They are a smaller member of the pansy family and are great for filling in gaps under your trees or shrubs.

They produce lots of flowers per plant and will flower all summer long. They are also known as Violas.

Time to flower: 6-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long and can be grown all winter long in some climates


One of the Easiest Flowers You Will Ever Grow


No other flower is easier to grow or adds more cheer to your garden than the marigold. There are approximately 50 varieties of this flower. They do however need a lot of sunshine so should not be placed in the shady recesses of your garden.

Time to flower: 6-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Another Easy to Grow Flower for Your Garden


Like marigolds, nasturtiums are very easy to grow. Plant the seeds inside and allow them to grow for 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting them into your garden after the last frost. The good news is that you don't need to fertilize them as this will result in fewer blooms.

Time to flower: 5-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Short or Tall, One of the Most Majestic Flowers in the Garden


Depending on the variety you plant, sunflowers can grow up to ten feet tall or more. They produce large golden yellow flowers whose centers are filled with seeds that can be dried, toasted, and eaten.

Sunflower oil is considered to be one of the healthiest cooking oils available.

Time to flower: 80-120 days

Time of year: Late summer


Fast-Growing Flowers with Heavy Blooms


Zinnias are an annual flower that is planted in June and will bloom all summer long. They are easy to grow and grow very quickly.

Not only are the blooms extremely colorful, but they tend to attract a lot of colorful butterflies into your garden.

Time to flower: 4-5 weeks

Time of year: All summer long

Shrubs, Hedges and Other Plants

You can get away with planting a number of trees, shrubs, and hedges in the spring. This will give them plenty of time to mature and become acclimatized before the harsh winter weather sets in.

Here are some very popular shrubs, trees, and hedges you can plant in June and enjoy all summer long.


So Many Colors to Choose From


Rose bushes come in an incredible array of colors and varieties that it can be hard to choose just one or two. I have around six or seven varieties in different colors around my house. My grandmother had a couple of dozen rose bushes around her home for decades.

Time to flower: 6-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Lovely Flowers with an Amazing Smell


If you want to add a tropical flare to your garden consider Hibiscus. These flowering shrubs are easy to grow and fare very well in hot climates.

The colored flowers have deep rose colored veins and will bloom from June until September.

Time to flower: 6-8 weeks

Time of year: All summer long


Huge Flowers that Last for a Very Long Time


There are many different species of hydrangea, but most produce huge softball-sized blooms that last all summer long. The flowers often become so heavy, you have to prop them up. They will grow in full sun but do much better in dappled sunlight.

Time to flower: 8-12 weeks

Time of year: All summer long

Wax Myrtle Hedge

Deer Resistant Hedging for your Home

Wax Myrtle hedge

What better way to keep the deer out of your garden than with a natural fence made from Wax Myrtle? This hedge grows quickly and can be shaped to meet your needs and tastes. It produces red berries that birds love, attracting a number of species into your yard.

Variegated Privet

Create Your Own Professional-Looking Hedge

Variegated Privet plant

From China, this privet hedge has leaves that are variegated in shades of green, silver and yellow. They are perfect for planting in rows to create a hedge.

The best part is that you never have to prune them unless you want to. Once matured, a privet hedge will give you plenty of privacy.

Putting the Last Seed Down

As you can see, June is a great month for planting a wide selection of veggies, fruits, flowers, shrubs, and hedges. In fact, if you are not careful, it could be one of your busiest gardening months of the year.

Much of this information comes courtesy of Wikipedia and Burpee, one of the most respected seed companies in the country. I hope this helps you to create the perfect garden this year and for many years to come.

If you have enjoyed reading about what to plant in June, please let me know. If you have any information you would like to see here, please contact us here. Let everyone know you enjoyed reading this on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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