My Teds Woodworking Plans Review – An Honest Customer Opinion
Take a Deep Look into Teds Woodworking Plans and Make the Decision for Yourself!
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Hi my name is Zac and yes I have purchased Teds Woodworking Plans...
Being a high school woodwork teacher myself and having a passion for garden projects it seemed like a good fit for me
I also couldn't argue with the deal. 16,000 woodwork plans...
But after my purchase I noticed that there seems to be a bit of animosity towards 'Ted' and this product
(Which seems to derive from the aggressive marketing and sales tactics used to sell the product)
Now there is no doubting that this product is popular, it seems to be all over the woodworking internet...
But is it all that it's cracked up to be... and is it even legal?
We'll that's what I intend to find out by writing this review.
So for the answers to those questions and more, you have come to the right place. Keep reading below
Note - This review certainly is not a glowing endorsement. After writing it and researching Teds woodwork plans I really think that you need to make up your own mind
Disclosure - if you decide to purchase Ted's Woodworking and you click a link on this website I will receive a commission from the sale. But my commission does not change the price in anyway. It is $67 (although i show you a cunning way to get it for $47 below) whether you click the link or not...
Anyhow lets get on with what is in TedsWoodworking...
[VIDEO] Part 1 - Buying Teds Woodworking Plans
This is what happens when you purchase Teds Woodworking
[VIDEO] Part 2 - Opening Teds Woodworking Plans
This is what is behind the paywall at Teds Woodworking
Summary of Review
Review of:Teds Woodworking Plans
Use: Woodworking and Shed Plans
Some plans are very detailed, some aren't
Price is good for this amount of plans
Ease of Use
You can find plans with some digging
Dedicated support line. 48 hour answers
We Like:
- The price is higher than some other packages but still very reasonable for the amount
- Lots of helpful added extras to help beginners to intermediate
- The detail and thoroughness on some plans is hard to beat with many extras included
- Easy to print and use on site
We Don't Like:
- Although there is a lot of plans... I doubt there is actually 16,000 plans here
- The aggressive nature of the sales tactics used to sell the product
- Some of the plans are light on with detail
- It will take some time to find what you want
Summary: A massive resource of shed and other woodworking plans at a very decent price.
From $67 (for $47 see below) with a 60 day 100% money back guarantee
The Truth About 'Ted' and His Plans...
So for this review I did a little digging around about the product, the website and what other people thought of Ted's Woodworking Plans
Because there seems to be a lot of sketchy reviews out there
Here's what I found...
Truth is that 'Ted' most likely doesn't exist. He is most likely a persona made up by the owner of the product... kind of like the Marlboro man and Tony the Tiger (who appears on Kellogg's cereals)
Companies use people or characters all the time to represent what the product is about and give it another dimension. The character is not always 'real' like Ted.
(Ever seen celebrity endorse a product you know that they aren't using...)
Some of us do feel a little cheated by this. But it seems to be the way the world is going these days. It is also important to note that this doesn't change the product in any way
What does change the product is some of the promises that 'Ted' makes on his website we don't think are 100% true
And we also found that Ted infers or suggests some things which are a little sketchy also, such as:
- Ted uses images of a box and CD when the product is digital and you have to pay extra for the CD - DVD set to be sent to you
- Ted says '16,000 Step By Step Plans' - when they aren't all step by step (scroll down to see screenshots of real plans)
- Ted says 'skill level doesn't matter' - There are plans in here suitable for beginners but not all of them are
Where Do the Plans Come From?

An image found on shows a boxed product, but the plans are actually a digital download
Teds plans seem to be mostly (if not all) taken from other publications.
These include universities, magazines, books and various websites
At first I was a little peeved by this, but then when I thought about it I wasn't bothered as much
I mean this stuff seems to be happening all the time these days
For example, people selling compilation music albums of artists after the artists have died
I mean if Ted owns all the rights to these plans and wants to sell them in a bundle then good luck to him
But does 'Ted' own the rights to sell these plans?
Are the Plans Offered in Teds Woodworking Plans Legal?
There a few people -, woodworkweb, formeremortals and beesource calling Ted's Woodworking a scam and saying what is being offered is illegal
From what I can tell from the links above, they claim Ted is selling plans and information that does not belong to him
Now i'm no lawyer...
I personally don't know if this is or is not legal so I have tried to contact both 'Ted' and Clickbank but so far I haven't had a reply
Which is very bad form on both their parts
But at the same time, it is a very serious allegation for people to call Teds Woodworking plans 'illegal'
The dates on all of the posts above are dated around 2012, so for 'Ted' to still be in business and seemingly nothing to have happened to the product seems a little strange
From what I can tell Teds Woodworking plans offer is quite popular, and successful. I'm sure some lawyer would love to get their teeth stuck into that.
But they haven't and they have had years to do so. So it makes me wonder....
What is the law that Teds Woodworking plans is supposedly breaking? And why hasn't anyone done anything about it?
Now as I said I'm no lawyer. I think on this one each of us has to make our own moral judgement.
If you've spent a few minutes looking at the links above and reading this post you are as informed as I am...
For me - until I hear different - all of this seems to be a storm in a tea cup. And if nothing has happened with the legal issue already, I can't see anything happening in the future
Why Else Some Bloggers are Not Happy with Ted's Woodworking...
Teds Woodworking is unpopular with a lot of online woodworkers. It stems mainly because of it's aggressive sales techniques
'Ted' is advertising a lot of places around the internet and he is always trying to sell his stuff - most notably on other bloggers websites
But to be truthful, I don't think it matters what Ted has done or didn't do
Most woodwork bloggers will ever be happy with offers and products like this...
It's a bit like McDonald's or Walmart coming to a small town. The town never likes the idea of it but most people can't afford to say no to the convenience, range and prices
Woodworking bloggers aren't going to be happy with Ted's Woodworking plans but Ted is going to keep selling his plans because people can't say no to a great offer like his
What About the Plans?
With all that out of the way lets talk plans
Firstly, if you haven't watch part 2 of my video on Opening Teds Woodworking plans. You can see first hand for yourself the plans that are included in the package
Personally, I dont think there is 16,000 plans. Although there is a lot (and i could be proven wrong)
But for $47 (see below) you can get a massive collection of woodworking plans... Let's face it this is much cheaper than anywhere else
You could subscribe to your favorite woodworking magazine for 10 years and still not come close to that
So if you are looking for an inexpensive way to get plans for your next woodworking projects then Ted's is a good option. Definitely worth some thought.
Not all the plans are the greatest, and the most detailed but from what I've seen half of them are pretty good
Below is a good illustration of the difference in the detail in Ted's Woodworking plans
These plans although detailed are not as user friendly as others. Although these ones do include a material list, not all plans in Teds woodworking do
You definitely can build this barn from this plan, however it isn't as simple as 'Ted' makes it out to be and you will need some prior building knowledge to build this

This plan is taken from Teds Woodworking plans
As you can see this plan is quite detailed and easy to read. It has many elevations, a 3D drawing, close ups, plenty of annotations and is in color
What Will I Do With the Plans?
We'll I am going to keep the plans for when i build my next shed. Just being able to print some of these off and give them to the permits office really appeals to me
Ill also use them to find new projects for the students in my wood technology classes
The good thing about having these plans is that the advanced kids will be able to read the plans and start work straight away. Leaving me more time to help those who require it
Overall, personally even though there is this cloud still hovering over the product for me that I dont have it
I'm glad I purchased Teds Woodworking plans
It's Your Turn Now
Still undecided about Teds Woodworking plans?
Sleep on it. If you still want it tomorrow it will all be here.
'Ted' does hype it up a bit and make you think that you have to buy now
So if you sleep on it and you still want it tomorrow, then you know at least you did really want it and it wasn't the hype that made you buy it
And if you do decide to purchase, make sure you read the section below and save yourself $20 !
How to Get the Plans for $47 Instead of $67
I paid full price... but you don't have to!
Basically, you need to give your email address to 'Ted' to get the discount... and this is how you do that
NOTE - Because this is a work around to paying full price i am not sure how long this is up. If you use this can you let me know via the contact page that it is working?
1. First get onto Teds Woodworking (you can use this link)
2. Then click the X which gets you out of the tab... (in this image it is red)

Click x on the tab/window
3. All of a sudden you will see this appear (or a version there of)

Teds woodworking popup
4. Click stay on page (or equivalent in your browser)
5. Then you will get taken to another page, click the X on that tab or window like you did with the first one to close that tab

Teds second popup
6. Click 'stay on this page' (or equivilent) here also
7. You will get taken to a new page

Enter your email here
8. Enter your email here and click the 'Download Free Plans Now' Button
9. When you click the button, you will be taken to a new page where the heading is 'Welcome Onboard'
10. Scroll down the bottom of that page and you will see the new price
NOTE - If you want the bonuses in Teds Woodworking, then i'd probably buy the CD and DVD set instead of opting in for the upgrades. In the membership area, it says that everything is included on there.
Thanks for Reading
Send a message via the contact page if you want to know anything else about the plans and ill get back to you with an answer. Please use 'teds woodworking plans review' in the subject line
P.S - If you are still unsure of whether you should purchase Teds Woodworking plans after reading this review then sleep on it, it will all still be here tomorrow
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